““But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peaceful, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.””
Equipping the Saints Ministry
Equipping the Saints Ministry was born out of two ministries, Downline Ministries and Sharpening Ministries and is a 9 month Discipleship Training program. We want to help women Explore who they are in their identity in Christ, Establish their walk with Jesus deeply rooted in the word of God, Equip them in what God has called them to do when they received Him as their Savior - An Ambassador and Discipler, and then Extend them to go into their sphere of influence in their town, city and into the world to reproduce themselves for Jesus. Our mission is to train and equip believers to reproduce themselves into others. Personally I was ruined for the ordinary when it came to my faith and my mission, the co-mission of Christ, when I discovered what my role as an ambassador of Christ really meant. To be on mission everywhere I am going and wherever I go I am looking through the lens of disciplemaking. Christ calls us to be his ambassadors who represent Christ and equip others to be his representatives that will reproduce themselves for Him. We are here to search and rescue, seek and save the Lost. I want women to be pre-occuppied with the gospel so it will be at the forefront of their minds as they are moving through this earth. Who’s on your heart for heaven? How to share their faith in a way that is real and authentic with the truth of God and the grace of his redeeming love and not based on rules and legalism. If we really understand what Christ did for us on the Cross then we would be compelled to respond in a loving way to carry his message so others could discover Him as well. In Ephesians 5:17-21, God has given us a ministry and message of reconciliation to share with the world on His behalf, He even implores us to live this out for Him.
ETS University
ETS (Equipping the Saints) is a 9 month ministry training program to help women make disciples as a lifestyle for a life time.